Chay's 13-minute circuit


With the days getting shorter and weather getting colder, day-to-day exercises such as walking to the shops will soon be replaced by a quick drive in the car. Instead of having a lovely picnic in the park, you may soon be watching a movie under a blanket.

If you are worried about putting on a few lbs, don't fret! I have you covered. 

Follow this 13-minute circuit, 3 times a week to burn calories and define your muscles over the coming months.

All exercises should be completed at 100% effort with 45 seconds between sets.

Set 1 - 30s Burpees, 30s Jumping Jacks, 30s Mountain Climbers

Set 2 - 30s Jogging, 15s Press Ups, 15s Sit Ups, 15s Squats, 15s Plank

Set 3 - 30s Burpees, 30s Jumping Jacks, 30s Mountain Climbers

Set 4 - 30s Jogging, 15s Press Ups, 15s Sit Ups, 15s Squats, 15s Plank

Set 5 - 20s Lunges, 20s Heel Kicks, 20s Donkey Kicks (Left Leg), 20s Donkey Kicks (Right Leg)

Set 6 - 30s Sit & Reach, 30s Downward Dog, 60s Cat & Cow Stretches

Once you have finished, why not treat yourself to poached eggs on wholemeal toast? This meal will aid recovery and set you up for the rest of the day.

Why not start tomorrow!